The kids were exhausted, as you can see.
Bathtime at the hotel
While Jonathan was taking some of my family to the airport, he took the carseats out and put them in the hotel room. Savannah crawled up into her carseat like she was so ready to go home.
Thanks to our wonderful families, Savannah received several beautiful gifts for her birthday including multiple cute outfits. Thanks guys! But most of all she loved her baby dolls. From us she got twin babies with a double doll stroller. Aunt Paige also got her a doll, and she was elated...until her brother kept trying to steal her dolls. Both Leighton and Savannah love baby dolls. It was interesting trying to explain to him that these were Savannah's but he could play with one of them. He wanted all of them of course. What else can you expect from a two year old.
Savannah is an angel. She is always quiet and mild. She is happy to accept any attention that comes her way, but she is not demanding at all. She plays very well with her brother or herself. She speaks several words well, but she is not as verbal up front as Leighton is. She is somewhat shy, seldom speaking around strangers but always willing to give them a big smile. She has this gentle way of communicating with her eyes and motions that helps you see how much she understands.
Savannah is a snuggler. Especially when she is tired or not feeling well, she loves to climb up and lay her head in the crook of my neck. It truly melts my heart everytime. She is continually affectionate to her family and her dolls. I know that she will be a wonderful mother some day. One of her favorite things to do is to give kisses. This evening when I was putting her to bed, I was feeding her and she was almost asleep. She stopped abruptly, put her hand to her mouth, and blew me a kiss. She kisses her dolls and even pictures of babies in some of her books.
Though Savannah is mostly mild, she can stand up for herself. She happens to have an older brother close in age that has a tendency to strip her toys away from her and be rough at times. She will fight back, which I am trying to stop her from. But I like the fact that she has some feistiness. I think you need some guts to survive in this crazy world. You have to stand up for what you believe in. Savannah has the strength to do that.
I love the way her bright blue eyes light up. Whenever her brother comes down from his nap, when you go get her in the morning, when she discovers something new, when her daddy comes home, when you read her a book. That light reflects her spirit. I just can't wait to get to know her even better through the years.
I love the way she loves her brother, following him around, giggling with him after her bath, playing trains together, holding hands in the car, showing true concern for him whenever he cries, clapping for him as he kicks the soccer ball outside, waiting patiently as I take care of him.
I love the way she is mine, my sweet little girl. I must say that she is a momma's girl. I know that has something to do with her age. But I hope that we will always have the bond that we have today. I hope that she will trust me as she does now. I hope she will want my help when she needs it. I hope that I can teach her things that will help guide her life.
I love you, Savannah! Happy Birthday, my chubby monkey.